works at the intersection of graph theory, control theory, and dynamical systems. His general research agenda is to investigate the principles underlying the design and implementation of networked systems.

Abhinav's research spans across interrelated disciplines of networked control systems, both theoretical and application-oriented. A part of his research aims to offer a perspective where communication, control, computing, and information theories merge on equal terms to yield a robust solution, thereby springing up the concept of cyber-physical systems. In his endeavor, he searches for holistic approaches that unify concepts from the aforementioned realms.

Featured Works

Target interception

Our research aims to address terminal constraints on the trajectory of an autonomous vehicle, in addition to the primary objective of target interception.

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Multiagent pursuit-evasion

The celebrated "the lady, the bandit, and the bodyguard" scenario. Our research offers a different viewpoint on this problem.

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Robustness of consenus

Fully distributed cooperative behavior in a multiagent system that also guarantees consensus at values that are not at the agents' average of the initial states.

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Learning and control in autonomous systems

Investigating fundamental aspects in learning and control for an autonomous system, with an emphasis on learning in complex large-scale interconnected systems.

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Formation control of Multiagent systems

Protocols based on local information only for formation, mapping, localization, coverage, and surveillance tasks in 2D and 3D spaces with anisotropic sensing patterns.

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Resilience and security in networked systems

Ensuring cooperation, robustness and safety of multiagent systems from misbehaving agents and malicious attacks.

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Courses and Tutorials

  • AE 305 / AE 717 (Spring Semester)

Flight Dynamics and Control

  • AE 410 / AE 641 (Fall Semester)

Navigation and Guidance

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To be updated soon

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