Alok Tiwari

Doctoral Candidate

Hello !

I am Alok Tiwari

PhD Scholar | Prof. Manaswita Bose | DESE, IIT Bombay | DEM | Vibrated beds| Agglomeration and deagglomeration.

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About Me

Obsessed with the physics of things happening around us, I decided to dive into it. I am living my life simulating phenomenon that is ubiquitous in nature, yet complex to explain.

I am talking about the behaviour of particles that we see around us. Particles in general are omnipresent in the nature, right from our food spices, salts, sugars in the kitchen to the planets in galaxies. We are dealing particles with our intuition or learning of fluids, without knowing the exact physics behind the same. Why do we need to shake a coffee jar or stir it with a spoon, when it gets clustered in rainy season? Why do we shake jar of cornflakes to get bigger pieces on top? Did you realise these particles or grains are so common to us like gas and air ! but were you ever taught about this in your school or graduation. Most likely it is no!. The reason for this is complex and un-explored field of granular materials.

Before you declare me as Nerd :). Let me describe more about me, I devote most of my free time for sports like volleyball, cricket, basketball and table tennis. To soothe my mind, I serve good music to it. I like myself to be updated about the things happening around us, mostly related to international affairs. Also, I had experience of holding position of responsibilites (PORs) in different societies and clubs of the institute.


My Education

MSc-PhD Dual Degree

Energy Science and Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India

2016 -

Bachelor of Science (Honors)

Mathematics, Physics and Statistics

Institute of Science, BHU, Varanasi, India

2013 - 2016

Research Work

  • Agglomeration and breakage of nanoparticles [PhD work with Prof. Manaswita Bose]

  • As the particle size goes down, it starts agglomerating/clustering. Problem of agglomeration amongst the nanoparticles hinders its performance in many of the potential application. One of such application is its fluidisation. Generally, it has been reported that the formation and breakage of nanoparticle agglomerates decide the behaviour of fluidisation. For the breakage of particles usually external source of vibration is required. To our interest is the energy supplid through vibration. We are interested in finding out how and what role vibration plays in the breakage and formation of agglomerates. We are performing DEM simulation at different configuration to explore the same. For the readers reference, I kept gif of the simulation of agglomeration and deagglomeration process of nanoparticles in a periodic box.

    Agglomeration of nanoparticles
  • CFD-DEM simulation of fluidisation [PhD work with Prof. Manaswita Bose]

  • CFD-DEM simulation is widely used to support and explain the expiremental findings in the area of fluidisation of particles. Here, I am simulating the bed of binary particles of different size and density. Simulation will help in explaining result reported by experimentalist of our group. I am keeping a gif of fluidisation of binary particles.

  • CFD simulation of Atomic Layer Deposition reactors [MSc. work with Prof. Shaibal Sarkar]

  • We used CFD tool to simulate gas flow in different ALD reactors. ALD is sensitive to the gas flow and temperature of the reactor. CFD simulation of such reactors will be useful in optimisation of the ALD process.

  • Modelling and analysis of Covid in India [Independent work]

  • For a better understanding of the evolution of COVID-19 in the world, study on evolution and growth of cases in India could not be avoided. To understand the same, one of the compartment model: Susceptible-Infectious-Quarantined-Recovered (SIQR) is used. I did this analysis in my spare time during COVID lockdown.

Journals and Conferences



  • Alok Tiwari and Manaswita Bose, Impact of vibrational energy on the kinetics of deagglomration of cohesive particles, 11th International Conference on Multiphase Flow (ICMF -2023), 2023, Kobe,Japan 2-7 April (Oral)

  • Alok Tiwari and Manaswita Bose, Impact of vibrational energy on the kinetics of deagglomration of cohesive particles, Complex Fluid, 2022, IIT Kharagpur, Kolkata, India 19-21 December (Poster)

  • Alok Tiwari and Manaswita Bose, Simulation of nano-agglomeration using the cohesive DEM algorithm, Complex Fluid, 2020, Online, 10-12 December (Poster)

  • Alok Tiwari, Vikul Tomar and Manaswita Bose, Implementation of cohesive DEM to study agglomeration of nanoparticles, PGBSIA, 2020, Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Patiala, India

Teaching Assistantships

  • EN 214: Transport phenomenon (Even sem of 2021)

  • EN 211: Mechanics of Materials (Odd sem of 2020,2021)

  • EN 408: Energy design project (Even sem of 2020)

  • CEP Course: Energy conversion tutorials, Energy Management (Nov,2019)

  • EN 218: Energy Resources, Economics and Environment (Even sem of 2019)

  • EN 609: Energy systems laboratory (Odd sem of 2019)

  • EN 216: Renewable energy technologies (Even sem of 2018)


Position of Responsibilites

  • Warden Nominee, Hostel 14, IIT Bombay (2021-22)

  • Alumni Secretary, Hostel 14, IIT Bombay (2019-21)

  • Core Team Member, ICAER, DESE, IIT Bombay (Sep - Dec, 2019)

  • Election officer (PG Nominee), General Elections, IIT Bombay (Feb, 2019)

  • Events Convenor, PG Sports, IIT Bombay (2018-19)

  • Assistant Communication Manager, Team Shunya, IIT Bombay (2017-18)

  • Core team Member, Aakanksha - Cultural fest, BHU (2015-16)

  • Executive Member, Academique, BHU (2014-15)

Invited Talks

  • Fund raising event for India's covid-19 crisis organised by students of University of Monash, Australia

Contact ME

Department of Energy Science and Engineering, IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India.


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